
Danny Boy

J'ai beau disposer de beaucoup de temps libre, je préfèrerais le consacrer à autre chose qu'écumer le Net pour rectifier les sites où Danny Boy s'attribue mes textes.

Mr O'Brien;

My name is Christian Mistral, author and songwriter residing in Montreal, Canada. My career spans almost twenty years, as a quick Google search will confirm. In 1992, I wrote five songs out of nine contained in Dan Bigras' album intitled «Tue-Moi». These songs are as follows:

Bête Humaine 
Marie Raspberry 
Monica La Mitraille 
On S'est 
Pourquoi Tu Veux

You may verify my authorship on the official site of the singer (http://www.danbigras.com/), or by contacting SOCAN and/or SODRAC, the two main canadian royalties perception entities, both of which I am a long-standing member of. Once you have established my Bona Fide, I shall expect your company to remove the five erroneously credited songs in question from its website (http://www.songlyrics.com/song-lyrics/Dan_Bigras/11848.html), as I am sure it was a mistake made in good faith in the first place. Expecting a prompt response, respectfully yours...

Sans parler que ce site états-unien fait du pognon avec mes chansons qu'il s'est appropriées sans m'en aviser. Et ils précisent, ces coyotes: The contents of this Web Site, such as text, graphics, images, logos, button icons, software and other "Material", are protected under United States and foreign copyright, trademark and other laws. All Material is the property of the Company or its content suppliers, vendors and clients.

Enfin, là, c'est arrangé. Dan O'Brien, le représentant de la compagnie chargé des entorses au copyright, travaillait le jour de Noël. Probablement de son sous-sol.